Introducing the "Oregano Influencer Awards" by Oregano Social – a groundbreaking celebration poised to revolutionize the world of influencers. The inaugural event in Lucknow is set to redefine the landscape of influence and creativity.

The "Oregano Influencer Awards" is not just another awards show; it's a visionary platform that aims to unite content creators and industry experts for an unparalleled day of networking, knowledge exchange, and collaboration. This unique event is where the brightest minds in the creative sphere converge to craft something truly extraordinary.

Beyond mere recognition, the "Oregano Influencer Awards" is a testament to the immense impact of the creator economy. It's a stage set to cultivate profound partnerships within the creative community, empowering influencers and content creators who have boldly rewritten the rules while inspiring the next generation to follow suit



Each Nomination for the “Oregano Influencers Awards” would go through two separate rounds of filtration. 

  1. Shortlisting
    • The influencers need to acquire as much likes on the “nomination” post as possible without using unethical methods or digital advertising.
    • Top 5 influencers from each category would be shortlisted for the next and final round.
  2. Jury round
    • The July round would comprise of an expert panel scrutinizing the nominations based on the following factors:
      • Innovation and conceptualization
      • Quality and execution
      • Virality and Impact
      • Creativity



The jury for the "Oregano Influencer Awards" is a distinguished panel of industry experts, visionaries, and influencers themselves, carefully selected for their profound understanding of the dynamic world of content creation and influence. Comprising individuals with diverse backgrounds and expertise, the jury brings a wealth of experience to ensure a fair and comprehensive evaluation of the nominees.

The jury is committed to upholding the highest standards of impartiality and excellence. Their collective expertise guarantees that the winners are not just celebrated for their popularity but are also acknowledged for their creativity, authenticity, and lasting impact on the world of influence.

To be declared shortly!



The "Oregano Influencer Awards" recognizes the pivotal role that influencers play not only in content creation but also in shaping and amplifying the success of events. The team of insiders for this groundbreaking event, would comprise of seasoned influencers, serving as a crucial function in ensuring the smooth functioning and success of the awards ceremony.

Insiders Benefits:

  1. Free Nomination in Current Event:
    • As insiders, you enjoy the exclusive benefit of a free nomination in the current "Oregano Influencer Awards" event.
    • This recognizes and appreciates your integral role in the influencer community and the success of the awards ceremony.
  2. Priority Access in the Next Event:
    • Insiders are given priority access and early registration privileges for the subsequent "Oregano Influencer Awards."
    • This ensures that you have a seamless and preferential experience in participating in future events.
  3. Goodies and Merchandise:
    • Insiders are entitled to receive exclusive event-related goodies and merchandise.
    • These items serve as tangible tokens of appreciation, reinforcing the sense of community and camaraderie among insiders.



On the day of the event:

  • 4:00 PM 
    • Red Carpet Arrivals and Networking Opportunities
    • Red carpet arrivals begin for influencers, nominees, and VIP guests.
    • Photo opportunities and media interactions at the red carpet entrance, showcasing glamorous arrivals and fashion statements.
  • 5:30 PM
    • Registration and Welcome Reception (simultaneously goes with red carpet)
    • Guests and attendees start arriving and proceed to the registration area.
    • Welcome drinks and networking opportunities in the reception area.
  • 6:00 PM
    • Band Show and Opening Entertainment (5 - 5:45 Band show start)
    • A lively band performance or entertainment act to kick-start the evening.
    • Energetic music and engaging performances to captivate the audience. 
    • Host interaction with audience. Host goes among the audience 
  • 6:45 PM
    • Grand Opening and Introduction - inauguration ceremony (starts at 6)
    • Introduction by the event host, officially commencing the awards ceremony.
    • Acknowledgment of sponsors, partners, and attendees.
    • Overview of the night's schedule and what to expect.
  • 7:00 PM
    • Keynote Address (Rishi starts at 6:15)
  • 7:30 PM
    • Award Categories and Presentations (starts at 6:30 to 8)
    • Commencement of award presentations across various categories, honoring influencers in distinct niches.
    • Video highlights showcasing nominees and their impactful work in respective categories.
    • Announcement of winners with acceptance speeches or recorded messages.
  • 8:45 PM
    • Influencer Panel Discussion (starts at 8.10 till 8.50)
    • Award ceremony continues (9 till 10)
    • Closing note (10.10 till 10.30)
  • Gala Dinner follows


Contact Information

TC- 34, 608 6th Floor,
Tower B Bhavya Corporate Towers,
24B,Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 226010

We're Available 24/7. Call Now. +91 7307068578 contact@Oregano
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